
[Review]106 - The Cloud

本集標題:The Cloud(星雲風暴)


一開始為 J 大在記錄她 personal log 的口白:

「Personal Log, Stardate 48546.2. Our journey home is several weeks old now, and I have begun to notice in my crew and in myself, a subtle change as the reality of our situation settles in. Here in the Delta Quadrant, we are virtually the entire family of man. We are more than a crew and I must find a way to be more than a captain to these people, but it's not clear to me exactly how to begin.」

「At the Academy, we are taught that a captain is expected to maintain a certain distance. Until now, I've always been comfortable with that distance.」

「Maybe this is just the way it works. Maybe the distance is necessary. Maybe more than ever now, they need me to be larger than life. I only wish I felt larger than life. Computer, delete last sentence.」

從 J 大的說詞中可以看出 Starfleet 的 Captain 和其下屬必須保持一定距離,但因為他們一行人獨自處在 DQ 中,又比較像是 family, 因此她很煩惱不曉得自己該如何做。

J 大看到 Tom 跟小金在 Mess Hall 吃東西,於是過去關心一下。
但因為 J 大過去很少跟下屬有太多工作外的互動,下屬也很少跟艦長私底下相處,因此雙方都很不自在,有點快要冷場的尷尬 fu~

小金跟 Tom 說他覺得他們應該要邀請 J 大跟他們一起坐,Tom 回說沒有少尉在請艦長坐下這回事,小金問為什麼,Tom 回說因為就是沒有。小金又說展現一下禮貌有什麼錯,Tom 回因為艦長不是要禮貌,他們要尊敬,所以他們不需要低階級的人合得來。小金又反問那他們現在在 DQ,又沒有其他上校或上將以上階級的人可以跟 J 大講話。Tom 說如果 J 大想跟他們一起,應該是 J 大主動問他們,這才是正確的方式。小金就回說 Tom 太老古板了!
(哈哈~小金真是個乖孩子啊!真是想不到原來 Tom 會這樣想,還以為按照他的個性應該是那種會對長官沒大沒小的那種人~XD )

請注意背景中 J 大的行為,超好笑的!好可愛!(大心)

J 大想必在想手中夾的東西到底是什麼鬼? 真的可以吃嗎?XD

其實 J 大是在尋找她的 "主食":咖啡!:p

/me 幫 J 大搭配旁白~:p





最後 J 大決定鼓起勇氣,冒險進入廚房尋找咖啡~







接著 Neelix 抱著一盆菜回到廚房,看到 J 大在廚房覺得很意外,接著 又忙著讚美 J 大今天看起來很漂亮...八啦八啦的一直講....

J 大終於忍不住打斷 Neelix,問說咖啡還有沒有剩?

Neelix 說咖啡沒有了,但他有比咖啡更好的東西。
J : "I don't want something even better. I want coffee."

Neelix 還是一直嘰哩呱啦講他的 "咖啡代替品" 有多好多讚~ J 大回說算了,她自己用複製機複製一杯咖啡好了~

Neelix 很不知好歹的阻止了 J 大....
N: "That would not be appropriate, Captain."
J: "I beg your pardon?"
(/me 幫忙搭配 J 大內心 OS:「你說啥?好膽給我再講一次!」XD )

Neelix 完全不會看臉色的繼續教訓 J 大說她身為艦長應該以身作則八拉八拉....

為了讓 Neelix 閉嘴,J 大只好屈服,回說願意嘗試一下 Neelix 推薦的 "比咖啡更好的代替品"~

Neelix 不知見好就收,還是繼續八拉八拉推薦 J 大再多嘗試一種蛋來搭配....

J: "J-u-s-t c-o-f-f-e-e."

接著 Neelix 在 J 大的杯子倒入像泥漿般濃稠的噁心液體.....

就在這個摩門特,C 大剛好透過 combadge 聯絡 J 大,J 大回說等她到艦橋再說...正好解救了 J 大免於喝下恐怖液體的命運.....XD

(Kate Mulgrew 真的超厲害,表情超豐富的!)

到艦橋之後,C 大說沒有嚴重到需要 J 大馬上到艦橋來,J 大回當然有需要......XD

C 大說他只是要告知 J 大他們發現了一個星雲,且該星雲充滿著某種粒子,他們可以利用來補充能源。

J 大非常高興的下令設定航線往那個星雲前進。

J: "There's coffee in that nebula." (← J 大的咖啡名言之一!XD )

 J 大覺得最近船員們情緒低靡,也許藉由偵察這個星雲可以提高士氣。於是開始跟 C 大聊了起來~ 這段是 shippy 之始啊~~~(/me 灑花ing~)

  J: "You're closer to the crew than I am. How bad is it?"
 C: "There's a nuanka, a period of mourning that everyone's going through. It's a natural reaction."
 J: "I'm worried about them. I wish we had a counsellor on board, but the nature of our mission didn't require one."

 C: "We talk to animals. It's a Native American tradition."
 J: "Animals?"
 C: "Our own counsellors. We're taught that an animal guide accompanies us through life. Basically, it's what Carl Jung thought he invented when he came up with his active imagination technique in 1932, but we've been doing pretty much the same thing for centuries."

 J: "Is there a different animal guide for everyone?"
 C: "Actually, yes."

J: "Let me guess. Yours is a bear."

 C: "Why do you say that?"
(Hmmm...好像第一次看 C 大笑得這麼開懷~:p)
J: "You strike me as the bear type."

 C: "Thank you. The bear is a very powerful animal. It has great pokattah. But he's not my animal guide. The creature that guides us doesn't define who we are. It merely chooses to be with us."

 J: "Okay. If not a bear, then what?"
 C: "I can't tell you that. It would offend my animal guide if I spoke its name."
 J: "But he guides you well?"
 C: "Actually, it's female. But yes, she usually guides me very well."
(呵呵~看來 J 大真的也是好奇寶寶一個~:p)

Tom 轉過頭向 J 大報告目前情況~

(請注意看 J 大和 C 大的姿勢~兩人聊得多開心啊~XD)


 C: "If you're interested, I'll be glad to teach you how to contact your animal guide."

(啊啊~難不成這是 C 大的把妹絕招?! XD)

J: "You've got a date."


沒事,只是覺得這張還蠻 shippy~哈哈~:p


Voyager 到達星雲所在處,並偵測出粒子最多的部分,要進去蒐集。但是進去星雲之後,Voyager 遇到了奇怪的能量屏障,且 Voyager 一開始進來的那個缺口也關起來了。接著好像有東西開始攻擊 Voyager,並黏在 Voyager 的外船殼上,且 Voyager 的能量不曉得為何也開始流失。Voyager 試了幾次方法都無法順利出去,最後 J 大只好同意使用光雷炸出一個洞,好讓 Voyager 可以順利離開星雲內部。

Tom 帶著小金去他設計的 holodeck program:Sandrine's 玩,位於馬賽的一個私人小酒館。

B'Elanna 努力研究黏在船殼上的物質到底是什麼。後來她發現奇怪的地方,跑去徵詢 Doc 的意見。B'Elanna 提到這樣本是他們在星雲中蒐集到的。Doc 以他慣常的嘲諷口氣回了 B'Elanna.....
D: "A nebula? What were we doing in a nebula? No, wait, don't tell me. We were 'investigating'. That's all we do around here. Why pretend we're going home at all? All we're going to do is investigate every cubic millimeter of this quadrant, aren't we?"

C 大到 J 大的 Ready room 跟她報告最新情況,手中還拿了他的 medicine bundle~

 J 大注意到了,於是問 C 大那是什麼~
 C: "My medicine bundle. I've never showed it to anyone before. After what you said this morning, I thought it was important to let you see."
 ("I've never showed it to anyone before."  ← 這句是重點!!!:p )

 J: "Will it help me find my animal guide?"
 C: "Eventually you'll have to assemble your own medicine bundle. But this will allow me to assist you in your quest for a guide."
 J: "Now?"
C 大微笑地攤攤手~
J: "Now!"

 C 大跟 J 大介紹他的 medicine bundle 裡面放的物品:
A blackbird's wing.
A stone from the river.
An akoonah.

 C: "Place your hand on it and concentrate on the stone."

 來看一下 C 大的 medicine bundle 內容物的近照~

 J 大正專心的看著石頭~開始要進入冥想狀態~


 C 大專心的唸著引導冥想的詞:"A-koo-chee-moya. We are far from the sacred places of our grandfathers. We are far from the bones of our people. But perhaps there is one powerful being who will embrace this woman and give her the answers she seeks.

 Allow your eyes to close. Breath to fuel the light in your belly and let it expand until the light is everywhere. Prepare yourself to leave this room and this ship and return to a place where you were the most content and peaceful you have ever been. You can see all around you and hear the sounds of this place."

 J: "I know this place. It's...."
 C: "You must not discuss with me what you see, or you will offend your animal guide. As you continue to look around, you will become aware of other life that shares this place with you. It will be the first animal you see. That is the one you will speak to. Do you see an animal?"

 J 大發現了她的 animal guide!
(這隻到底是什麼動物? 蜥蜴?蠑螈?)

 J 大的冥想被門鈴聲打斷, B'Elanna 要來跟 J 大報告她跟 Doc 的發現。

 C 大趕快趁機把他的 medicine bundle 包好~


 J 大告訴 B'Elanna,C 大正在教她尋找她的 animal guide。B'Elanna 回說希望 J 大的運氣比她好。(可見 C 大也有教過 B'Elanna~XD)C 大告訴 J 大 B'Elanna 是他遇過唯一一個想要殺掉自己的 animal guide 的人!XD

 B'Elanna 報告說他們以為的那個星雲其實並不是一個星雲,而是某種生物。

 J 大、C 大、B'Elanna、Tuvok....等人全在艦橋研究 Voyager 到底對那生物造成了什麼傷害....

螢幕上的 Doc 不改嘲諷的回說:"Let's see. You ran your ship through it, fired phasers at it and blew a hole in it with a photon torpedo. I'd say it's a pretty good chance that you did some fairly significant."
(B'Elanna 跟 C 大都忍不住回頭看 Doc 好大膽子居然敢這樣嘲諷 J 大的下的命令...真是不怕死....XD)

 果然下一秒,J 大就頭也不回地使出殺手鐧:"Computer, mute audio." XD

 Doc 因為被消音,因此只好努力揮手吸引注意,Tom 看到後就告知 J 大,J 大這才恢復 Doc 的聲音,Doc 提供了如何幫助該生物復原的方法。

 J 大下令大家準備重新進入該生物內部來幫助牠復原。

Neelix 覺得 J 大這樣做分明是拿著船員的生命冒險,於是去找 J 大抗議。J 大不管 Neelix 的抗議,覺得還是應該負起責任來幫助被他們誤傷的生物復原。

 N: "Is that final?"
 J: "Dismissed."
Neelix 聽到 Dismissed 還是一直站在 J 大面前沒有動作...
J: "That's a Starfleet expression for 'get out'."

(哈哈哈~ J 大講得好啊!XD XD XD)

 C 大發現他們可以順著該生物的血液流,慢慢地漂向傷口附近才不會引發生物對他們攻擊;J 大也想到要像幫受傷的狗兒治療一樣,要先讓狗轉移注意力,才能順利幫牠處理傷口。最後,他們終於順利幫助生物復原,也成功從生物的內部逃出來。

 小金在電梯中遇到 J 大正要回房間休息,最後鼓起勇氣邀請 J 大一起去 holodeck 參加他們的聚會。

在 Tom 設計的 Sandrine's 裡,Tom、C 大、B'Elanna 甚至 Tuvok 都在,C 大正在撞球台上痛宰 Tom.....XD

(啊~ C 大好帥!)

大家一看到 J 大進來,覺得超意外,J 大讚美 Tom 這個 hologram 設計得不錯~
此時,Tom 設計的其中一個 holo 角色是個花心大蘿蔔馬上跑過去跟 J 大搭訕....

 Tom 嚇死了,趕快衝過去把那個角色撞開,並開始解釋....
Tom: "Oh, I'm sorry. If I had some kind of warning that you were coming"
 J: "You would've changed it, and I would've missed all the fun."

 然後 Tom 設計出來的另外一個角色也在跟 B'Elanna 搭訕,B'Elanna 覺得那個角色的想法很討厭,於是....
B: "Paris, did you programme this guy?"
T: "Yeah. Why?"
B: "He's a pig, and so are you." (哈哈哈~)

J 看到撞球台,決定她也要來玩一下~

 J 大轉頭跟 C 大說借球桿...
J: "Commander Chakotay, your stick?"
 (呃...難道是我看了不該看的 fanfic 所以想歪?!XD  J 大這句用的詞好像是個有另外意思的雙關語啊~XD 害我嚇了一跳~ 是說前兩季 J 大偶爾會突然冒出嚇死人的雙關語啊~XD)
還是說,J 大這時候真的放很開?:p

C 大忍笑糾正 J 大的用詞.....XD
C: "It's called a cue, Captain."

 J 大很有架勢地準備開始~

 J 大才打第一顆,就有好幾顆球紛紛進袋....周圍的人都看傻了....XD

 J 大很滿意自己的成績~
(Tom 心裡一定覺得很受傷,被 C 大痛宰也就算了,遇上 J 大反而被宰得更慘~XD)

J: "Eight ball in the side pocket."

J 大頭都不轉地,八號球就乖乖聽從女王旨意進洞了~XD

J 大稱霸撞球台的傳奇,大概就是從這時候開始的~哈哈~:p

最後一段也是 J 大的口白,她為船員們的祈禱~

「A-koo-chee-moya. We are far from the sacred places of our grandfathers and from the bones of our people. But perhaps there is one powerful being who will embrace this good crew and give them the answer they seek.」

=^=  =^=  =^=  =^=  =^=  =^=  =^=  =^=  =^=  =^=  =^=  =^=


不過,我還蠻喜歡這集的,除了 J/C moments 很多,可以開花開得不亦樂乎;
也提供了大家更了解 J 大身為艦長的一些內在心境、想法等;

也透過這些小地方,詮釋出各角色的個性特點,讓每個角色形象很鮮明,彷彿是生活周遭活生生的人一樣。這也是讓我這麼喜愛 VOY 的一大原因呀!超可愛的一個大家庭啊~


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